Monday, May 29, 2023

EP: Pickup tomorrow at SFO

Dear Parents,

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at SFO to pick up your children returning from Borderlands El Paso. The flight, currently on time, is scheduled to arrive at SFO at Southwest arrivals at 8:10 pm. See the flight itinerary below. 

Because the trip leaders cannot leave the airport until all students have been picked up, we appreciate your promptness. 



Tuesday, May 30th

Southwest #964: El Paso (ELP) 1:20pm - Denver (DEN) 3:10pm
Southwest #365: Denver (DEN) 6:30pm - San Francisco (SFO) 8:10pm

PS: We'll begin on Wednesday, May 31, at 10:00 am in the EP classroom. This is an hour later than the usual 9:00 am start, allowing for some extra sleep and recovery time.