From faculty chaperones Ms. Dominguez and Mr. Nelson:
Hello everybody!
Slightly delayed blog here. Yesterday was a FULL day of activities, which left no time in the evening for the usual blog posting by our students. We sent the kiddos straight to bedtime when we arrived back at the retreat center!
The students had a great day of learning how to make gorditas, practicing their Spanish and learning about an amazing immigrant story told first-hand by a brave woman named Carmen Hernandez. The students were super impressive with their undivided attention, thoughtful questions and hugs to their new “Abuela” Carmen. :)
Our students have shown great respect and an inquisitive spirit to all the guests they’ve heard from and we are so proud of them. We ended the day with a visit to White Sands National Monument Park and a surprise stop at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Tons of pictures below.
Take care!
-Stefie and Matthew